Basic, Page 2


20005 orion barevný uv led gel modrý
In stock
Code: 20005
6,14 €
(5,07 € excl. VAT)
20004 enigma barevný uv led gel modrý
In stock
Code: 20004
6,14 €
(5,07 € excl. VAT)
20003 willow barevný uv led gel zeleny
In stock
Code: 20003
6,14 €
(5,07 € excl. VAT)
20002 scarlett barevný uv led gel červený
In stock
Code: 20002
6,14 €
(5,07 € excl. VAT)
20001 hope barevný uv led gel zeleny
In stock
Code: 20001
6,14 €
(5,07 € excl. VAT)
22005a VividART Green barevný uv led gel zelený
7,30 €
(6,03 € excl. VAT)






58 items to display
2069 Carmine barevný uv led gel červeno vínový
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In crimson red.

Code: 2069
2070 Bouquet barevný uv led gel růžový
6,03 € excl. VAT
7,30 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In dark old pink.

Code: 2070
2071 Sangria barevný uv led gel červeno vínový
6,03 € excl. VAT
7,30 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In burgundy red.

Code: 2071
2073 Fire Red barevný uv led gel červený
6,03 € excl. VAT
7,30 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In a rich, vibrant red colour.

Code: 2073
2075 Ferarri Red barevný uv led gel červený
6,03 € excl. VAT
7,30 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In bright red.

Code: 2075
2083 Pastel Blue barevný uv led gel modrý
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In pastel blue.

Code: 2083
2085 Khaki barevný uv led gel zelený
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In khaki green.

Code: 2085
2086 Dark Khaki barevný uv led gel zelený
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In dark khaki green.

Code: 2086
2087 Dark Cyan barevný uv led gel zelený
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In dark grey-green colour.

Code: 2087
2089 Sage green barevný uv led gel zelený
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In a medium shade of green.

Code: 2089
2091 Velvet Grey barevný uv led gel šedo fialový
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In a beautiful shade of grey.

Code: 2091
2092 Grey barevný uv led gel šedý
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In a beautiful grey colour.

Code: 2092
2093 Mysteious Grey barevný uv led gel nude
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In a beautiful shade of grey-brown.

Code: 2093
2094 Chocolate barevný uv led gel hnědý
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In dark chocolate brown.

Code: 2094
2095 Slate Grey barevný uv led gel šedý
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In a beautiful shade of dark grey.

Code: 2095
2097 Taupe barevný uv led gel nude
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In a beautiful shade of velvet brown.

Code: 2097
2099 Sunshine barevný uv led gel žlutá
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. Bright yellow color.

Code: 2099
2100 Silky Grey barevný uv led gel šedý
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In a beautiful shade of light grey.

Code: 2100
2104 Lady barevný uv led gel nude
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In a soft shade of beige-pink.

Code: 2104
2105 Frappé barevný UV LEd gel hnědý
In stock
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In a subtle shade of light brown.

Code: 2105
2141 Luxury Black barevný uv led gel červný
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. Effectless black. Suitable for use with foils. FOIL Gel.

Code: 2141
2149 Pastel Peach barevný uv led gel pastelová oranžová
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In a beautiful shade of pastel peach.

Code: 2149
2152 Pastel Orange barevný uv led gel pastelová oranžová
5,07 € excl. VAT
6,14 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. Orange.

Code: 2152
22001a VividART White barevný uv led gel bílý
6,03 € excl. VAT
7,30 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In dark old pink.

Code: 22001
22002a VividART Black barevný uv led gel černý
6,03 € excl. VAT
7,30 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In dark old pink.

Code: 22002
22003a VividART Red barevný uv led gel červený
6,03 € excl. VAT
7,30 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In dark old pink.

Code: 22003
22004a VividART Pink barevný uv led gel růžový
6,03 € excl. VAT
7,30 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In dark old pink.

Code: 22004
22005a VividART Green barevný uv led gel zelený
6,03 € excl. VAT
7,30 €

Permanent colourless colour UV LED Gel with excellent opacity in one layer. In dark old pink.

Code: 22005
58 items total

Splátková kalkulačka ESSOX