IBX system, Page 2

Cap with stand for LUXURY Dadi Oil Lotion

Product for natural nail overlay for strength and protection

A bath additive in powder form, which thanks to its composition AU complex (Allantoin + Urea) ensures perfect moisturizing of the skin.

Concentrated oil-based emollient solution

All-in-one gentle and effective cuticle and callus remover for hands and feet.

Our favourite luxury body lotion Dadi 'Lotion enriched with AU COMPLEX

A bath additive in powder form, which thanks to its composition AU complex (Allantoin + Urea) ensures perfect moisturizing of the skin.

Concentrated oil-based emollient solution.

All-in-one gentle and effective cuticle and callus remover for hands and feet in a spray.

Our award-winning Dadi Scrub peeeling taken to the next level with AU KOMPLEX (a combination of allantoin and urea)! Experience two waves of non-greasy exfoliation and...

Our favourite luxury body lotion Dadi 'Lotion enriched with AU COMPLEX

The perfect finishing touch to a perfect pedicure and manicure!. Stimulating and refreshing foot and hand spray.