A file equal to 150/150 Pilník
A very high quality file that holds well when filing.
A very high quality file that holds well when filing. It has a roughness of 150/150 and an extended shelf life

White coloured LED UV Gel with beautiful reflections.

Disinfects and degreases

MASTER Line Soft Cover 3. Medium density construction camouflage UV LED Gel with lightweight consistency. Nail Make-up also suitable for nail construction on template and tips...

MASTER Line Soft Cover 2. Medium density construction camouflage UV LED Gel with lightweight consistency. Nail Make-up also suitable for nail construction on template and tips...

MASTER Line Soft Cover 4. Medium density construction camouflage UV LED Gel with lightweight consistency. Nail Make-up also suitable for nail construction on template and tips...

Polishing block for matting the nail before application of gellac or smoothing out file lines.

Polishing block for matting the nail before application of gellac or smoothing out file lines.

High-quality crescent-shaped file that holds well when filing.